Kidz on the Coast – Feb/Mar 2013 Issue

So the Mayan calendar clicked over and we didn’t annihilate the planet and life as we know it didn’t end. My belief is that life as we know it, or rather, as we want it, has only just begun. Recently I attended a 4-day event that brought together great creative thinkers and innovators from the fields of science, education, business, environment, technology, healthcare, religion, indigenous cultures, media and the arts. The purpose of the gathering was to share ideas and information that would set in motion a new way of thinking and being human. The great problems of the world were contemplated – the impending environmental catastrophe; the epidemic of disease and unhappiness; the economy; the future of our children’s learning and sense of wellbeing; the future of humanity! Far from depressing however, it was an incredibly uplifting and inspiring experience.

The essential conclusion that all the various experts agree upon is the time is now for each and every one of us to wake up and consciously create the next phase of human development. Our level of human development is equipped with all the intelligence, technology, resources and creativity to now ‘consciously evolve’. Just contemplate that for a second. We have the capability right now to choose what humanity evolves into. Previously in our evolution as a planet, as a species, this has been biologically determined by nature and its cycles of destruction, transformation and creation. We transitioned from homo erectus, to homo sapien, to homo sapien sapien……but what comes next? Do you think it stops there? Do you think that is the end of the line for us? Of course not!

Now is the most extraordinary, exciting time in human history. We get to determine, to co-create with nature, and decide for ourselves what we become next. And the patterns of nature provide a clue as to where we must go. The evolutionary pattern of development throughout the history of the cosmos is a spiral cycle upwards from single cell to multi-cellular complexity. We evolved from single cells into multicellular organisms, and from multi-cell organisms into plants, then from plants into animals. Now we are the most complex of animals, yet we still see ourselves, and behave alone, as a single-celled organism, a human. The next step in our evolution, if we are going to survive, is to evolve into a multi-celled organism – to see ourselves as ONE being – humanity. Or, if you permit me some poetic licence – we become human-KIND.

One of the event keynote speakers was the famous microbiologist and author of The Biology of Belief, Dr Bruce Lipton. With his ground-breaking research Dr Lipton not only proved we can reprogram our DNA, he also elegantly and comprehensively provided the proof that we create our reality. He is also a passionate advocate for the ‘science of love’. To become humankind, we need to return to the transformative and healing power of love. Now this is not some twee hippy dippy theory, this is science and fact. LOVE IS ENERGY AND LOVE TRANSFORMS AND HEALS. Loving words heal. Loving touch heals. Loving thoughts heal. Loving actions heal. We need to love on a planetary level to create the next model of human being.

If we see ourselves as one, as a connected humanity, then we can truly understand that what we do to one, we do to all. The ancient wisdoms, the religious tenets, the indigenous knowledge that we are ONE; we are all connected; this is true! It is scientifically, spiritually, and cosmically true. We need to overcome the fear of ‘the other’; we need to transcend physical and religious borders; we need to honour our co-dependence with nature and the earth; and we need to love each other as ourselves. If we really do have the power to choose how we evolve, we must make our choices based on love, not fear. Look where fear has got us! It may seem overwhelming to know you are sitting in the control seat of the future of humanity; that you are responsible for all the problems we currently face and that you are meant to provide the solutions, but remember the wise words from Ghandi, “be the change you want to see in the world”.

It starts, and can only succeed, with each individual playing their part. As those other wise sages, the 80’s band WHAM, once said, “CHOOSE LOVE”. You need to consciously work on yourself, your intentions, and be aware of what drives your choices. Do the inner work it takes to love yourself. When it comes to your relationships with others, do the inner work it takes to love them. When it comes to your home, work, environment, country, planet, do the inner (and outer) work it takes to love them. When it feels like too much of a massive stretch to act with love, chose the KIND option. Choose the thoughtful, caring, compassionate, KIND option. This is how we will become humankind.

Sarah Tolmie is a Life & Love Coach and Celebrant. As a Coach, Sarah assists people to transition from a fear-based life to love-based living by helping them to love themselves, their work, their bodies, their family, their spouse, their community and the planet. As a Celebrant, Sarah helps people to celebrate with ceremony and ritual the major milestones, occasions and transitions in their life and love journeys – birth, adolescence, womanhood, motherhood, marriage, divorce, mid-life, significant events and finally end-of-life and death. To find out more, visit and