Matters of LIFE & LOVE
August 2015
Thank you for all who supported my Dry July efforts. I raised $225 for CoastCanCare and an incredble $3.8 million was raised overall for 42 cancer support organisations across Australia. It’s a great community activity and I felt fab physically and spiritually for doing it AND lost a few more kilos following my nutritional cleansing program. I will definitely need to buy some new clothes for my upcoming wedding season!
Speaking of wedding season, it begins early with a number of ceremonies this August and September and exploding in peak season by October onwards. I love my wedding-filled Spring and Summer, so joyful!
Winter has been a more sombre yet still life affirming time, with the wheel of life turning to completion for many beautiful people exiting their physical bodies. It was my privilege to celebrate with the beautiful Family Greene, the life and love of their dear Teddles. It is this work that is my greatest privilege and most rewarding, using the full and complete resources of my experience, skill, craft and ability. Thank you Family Greene with all my heart and much love and prayers for you through your grieving journey.
And drumroll…….I can now announce the date for my very first Conscious Loving, Conscious Marriage seminar entitled, From “Yes” to “I Do” & Beyond. Saturday 12th September, 4-6:30pm at Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre. It is a ‘date-style” event experience for couples (with a complementary glass of champagne & nibbles too). It is perfect for any couple – pre-marriage, freshly married or longtime married – hetero or same sex. Pretty much I have developed my own ‘unified theory’ for contemporary conscious loving! Yeah baby! But this is not just theory, it delivers real life & love lived understandings, tools, techniques and strategies to keep us all evolving and thriving in love. You are all invited….please come along, all my community of wedding couples (come for a refresher!), all my current season couples (how lucky, this is perfect timing for you!), all my friends (you better be there…ha ha!) I am just a tad excited!!!! Here is the link to buy your ticket from Sticky Tickets.
And as always, please remember to share and connect. I’d love you to connect via my personal Facebook and other ways you can engage with me regularly is by clicking here to subscribe to my Newsletter, and following my Blog and Daily Love Facebook posts.
Much love, Sarah. xx

I was humbled to receive this thank you from a family I worked with last week. They have generously allowed me to share their words to support the work I do in the hope others can be held appropriately at their time of need. Thank you my lovely family for these generous words of appreciation [Read More]

Check out my latest article for Kidz on the Coast – “The Parenting “Condition””. Inspired again by my own ‘agonies’, this article discusses how to keep the experience of unconditional love secure and intact amidst the ‘conditions’ of parenting. .[Read More]

Do you tune into my Daily Love Boosts and Weekend Love Boosts? I see many people read them but I’d love it if you Liked them, and if you really liked them, please Share with your FB friends. Travel over to my FB page now, and join our Life&Love Community. . ..[Join]

Conscious Loving, Conscious Marriage
“Special Date-Style” Seminar
Sat 12th Sept at Kincumber, 4 – 6.30pm
From “Yes” to “I Do” & Beyond, is a 2.5hr ‘date-style’ seminar for couples created and presented by Sarah Tolmie, (celebrant, success coach & consultant). The session provides an easy, insightful and fun entry into the foundations of Conscious Loving – Conscious Marriage principles and provides teachings in the understandings and skills involved to expand and enrich the experience of partnership in committed love and marriage. These teachings are relevant for all couples (hetero or same-sex) preparing for marriage or committed relationship, for newly married couples and even for established relationships that need a reboot, upshift and refresh to resource with new skills, commitments and insights to support lifelong loving.
Enjoy a “Date-Style Event Experience”
Complimentary glass of champagne & nibbles.
Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre, 1/20 Kincumber St, Kincumber
Click here to register and purchase tickets at StickyTickets.
$69 per couple.