
Dying to have the conversation

Article for Seniors on the Coast - August 2015 Death is a profound rite of passage that escapes no-one. Facing the end of life process – whether through illness or old age, disease or accident – can be made meaningful and bearable by creating the appropriate rituals and celebrations. End [...]

2015-09-18T11:17:46+10:00September 18th, 2015|

Life & Love in the NOW

Kidz on the Coast Article (Feb 2015) I love the beginning of a new year. I love reviewing my progress, reassessing my dreams and desires and setting new goals. Yes, I am a New Years nerd, preferring the emerging light of a New Years Day sunrise over a NYE party. Give [...]

2015-04-08T14:42:15+10:00April 5th, 2015|

A King Tide Week of Life & Love & Loss

Seniors on the Coast article (Jan 2015) In both my private life, professional life and in the public realm, this week has been poignant with love and loss. Sometimes the rich tapestry of life delivers crescendos of peak experiences that can whirl you up in an eddy of emotions and [...]

2015-04-08T14:42:12+10:00April 5th, 2015|

Summer of surrender – time to love and let be

Gosford City Magazine article (Jan 2015) It is officially Summer. School is done. Holidays are here. Yay!!!  The weather is great…..I hope…and you are busy with Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, and sharing holiday fun with family and friends. And I really hope all your wishes come true. But at [...]

2015-04-08T14:42:18+10:00April 5th, 2015|
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